
L. Vilmaede, metallurgist & head of research.

D. Vilmaede, material technician & head of engineering.

Z. Maharís, Spaikan ecology & nature expert.

Special acknowledgement:

None of these findings would have been possible without the revival of the gatherer’s guild. Special thanks goes out to the following gatherers who acquired the materials which helped us find the information in this paper: Zaiho, Asyl, Scratch and Malice, all of whom do not (yet) have a last name.


Correlation between explosive properties and slight variation in Alravium crystal matrices have been determined to conduct certain types of magical energies differently. Mostly that in aberrant matrices, good aligned magic gets congested, accumulates in one place until failure with catastrophic consequences.


Four different states of crystalline Alravium have been determined to exist. Each different state represents different energy states of the crystal. We cannot determine the processes that lead to the formation of different Alravium crystals except that the tainted Alravium retrieved by the gatherers seems to show precursors to the defiled matrix by showing certain slight aberrations from the regular crystal. The figure below also illustrates how both structures can coexist within a matrix.

From clean (left) to defiled from (right). The crystal matrix undergoes a brief transitional phase.

The corresponding observed energy levels from clean (left) to defiled (right) where in the intermission matric a steep reduction of magical conductivity is observed and feedback effects occur. These observations are only done with unaligned magic. Only a small section of presumably tainted alravium has been taken for destructive testing for which results can be found below. An imperative will go out to all magetech fabricators to avoid using any aligned magic using any Alravium that’s gathered rather than artificially produced.


A small sample has been taken for destructive testing, and while conducting evil aligned magic seemed to yield no strange results, trying to conduct good magic resulted in catastrophic annihilation reactions within the Alravium crystalline transitional matrices, leading to massive energy build ups that rapidly failed catastrophically.

The transitional phase of the material seems to show some highly intricate variations of magical conductivity between the clean and the defiled crystal matrices.

The figure indicates in a more detailed fashion the transitional reversal of polarities of certain magical currents. Given the differences in types of magic employed by different people this figure might not be exhaustive in the probable reactions, reversals or holdups in the transitional Alravium layers.


Given Spaika’s high Alravium content it is also a crucial component in much of the planet’s ecology. As it turns out the aberrant form of Alravium acts as a mutagenic compound. These changes aren’t just random and usually induce changes that heighten strength and aggression.

Native Spaikan fauna and flora seem to possess some measure of resistance to the tainted form of Alravium, implying that a small measure of this form of Alravium just occurs naturally. Extreme teratogenic effects have been observed in non-native species of flora as was the case with the contamination of the germination facility.  

Preliminary conclusion.

For now it seems that conducting any times of magic through Alravium that’s contaminated to any degree might induce changes. Most caution is advised when using gathered Alravium to conduct good aligned magic. Artificial Alravium doesn’t seem to exhibit these problems as of yet, but manufacturers should keep a close eye as the processes causing the differences are not understood and further research into the different states of Alravium, both in metallic and mineral form are merited.