Theravhín action news Archive

To see what happened in the past.

High Chancellor decrees no action to be taken against Scraplander projects.

On the second of Erastus, High Chancellor Marcus Lectris announced in a special press conference that all Scraplander agents operating under any high seat directive must immediately cease any and all hostilities regarding specific projects. These projects include entrepreneurial initiatives, the new religion, the Gatherer's Guild, the newly established farmstead, and the Tree of Spaika.

Despite the Scraplands being widely recognized as a lawless playground for criminals, High Chancellor Lectris assures the public that he possesses the means and resources to enforce this decree effectively. As a gesture of good faith, Lectris has allocated funds totaling ϗ2500 for each project. Application forms for existing projects or new startup initiatives can be obtained at Checkpoint One or any Lectricorp-affiliated magic donation facility.

Dohai high seat reinvigorated!

On the 22nd of Sarenith, thanks to the efforts of the Gatherer’s Guild—particularly Zaiho Yuurei, Asyl Maddox, and Ron Russit—the high seat of Daiho has been revitalized with a newfound sense of vitality. The representatives of the Dohai estate have clarified that this rejuvenation has come about through consensual euthanasia, although the specifics of how this was achieved remain vague.

Lectris has issued a lukewarm official statement welcoming back the high seat of Dohai. Meanwhile, Xahel has declared that they will not consolidate any acquired assets while Dohai was in its infirm state. Idei has tentatively proclaimed a "wait and see" approach, while Lighidos celebrates Dohai’s revitalized spirit. Both Maharís and Vilmaede have extended a warm welcome back to Lord Dohai.

Opiate addiction on the rise.

While many might view this as a Scraplander issue, individuals both inside and outside the dome are experiencing the devastating effects of increasingly potent and addictive variants flooding the markets. All parties involved in the production or distribution of these drugs have expressed a willingness to cooperate with Theravhín Action News.

Although these substances are officially illegal within the dome of Theravhín, there appears to be little action from anyone except Lighidos and Maharís to address this growing societal problem. Other houses we approached either dismissed the issue or cited other, more pressing priorities that demand their attention and resources.

Gatherer’s chapter house in Scraplands destroyed.

On the night of the 14th of Sarenith, the Gatherer's chapter house was mysteriously destroyed by unknown assailants. Public opinion is divided, with some regarding the Gatherers as saviors and others viewing them as harbingers of doom. A statement from the press liaison representing House Vilmaede unequivocally condemned the attack and pledged to provide assistance to the Gatherers upon their return to uncover the identity of those responsible. Lighidos, Lectris, Maharís, and Dohai have also issued statements condemning the attack on the newly established Gatherer's guild, while Xahel and Idei have chosen to remain silent on the matter, consistent with their stance on matters outside the dome.

Magetech Production Remains Under Pressure.

Following the recent discoveries of corrupted Alravium forms and incidents in the western excavation, magetech production is still facing challenges. This has led to disruptions in the supply and production chains, which may result in certain items being harder to obtain for the foreseeable future. While price hikes are not expected to be significant, some minor increases may occur.

The Tree of Spaika: A Mysterious Project in the Scraplands

The Gatherer Scratch has embarked on a unique project in the Scraplands, and it's already made significant progress. In just two months, the structure has become the tallest built by a scraplander. When Theravhín Action News reached out to Gatherer Scratch for a statement, they received an enigmatic response: "You city dwellers know nothing, everyone is blind to what I see." After inhaling welding fumes, Scratch added, "When the tree is done, it will bear the fruit of Spaika, can't you see, can't you see?"

The project's builder welcomes anyone willing to contribute to the cause. They can bring metal materials to the construction site, and anything will be accepted by the artisan.

A New Place of Worship Emerges in the Scraplands: The Church of Pharasma.

A novel place of worship is rapidly gaining popularity in the Scraplands, the Church of Pharasma, Lady of Graves and Mother of Souls. Despite its ominous-sounding title, the church provides unique services that bring new life to the world and guide individuals through the end of their lives. According to Priestess Ikka, these services are rarely found outside the dome, but are warmly welcomed and quickly embraced by those seeking solace.

For those interested, daily sermons are held at 09:00 and 20:00. All are welcome to attend as long as they behave peacefully. Additionally, the church celebrates a yearly holy day on the fifth of Pharast, which was named after a month on the homeworld that had to be sacrificed to fit the Spaikan year. The origins of this decision remain unknown. Conventionally this day is known as the fifth of Gozran.

Priestess Ikka emphasizes that no judgments are made within the church's walls, and it serves as a sanctuary for all. However, troublemakers will not be tolerated and will be barred from attending services and banned from the premises.

Succession tournament concluded.

On the tenth day of Gozran, after a thrilling tournament free of irregularities, the champion put forth by High Chancellor Lectris emerged victorious in the final round, defeating the champion of Idei and extending the uninterrupted Lectris dynasty since the cascade. We extend our warm congratulations to the High Chancellor for bringing glory to Theravhín.

The planet shakes!

Geologists are perplexed by the recent earthquake in the outer western Scraplands, as no traditional tectonic activity has been recorded on Spaika. The quake caused damage to the quarry and weakened buildings in the Western Scraplands. While some reports claim that monsters emerged from the ground or shared dreams are to be disregarded as mass hysteria, triggered by the seismic activity. According to prominent psychologists, these tales are unfounded and a result of collective anxiety sparked by the tremors.

Devastating tally of the cold wave.

Calling the last three weeks an unmitigated disaster would be the understatement of the century. Our hearts go out to the tragic events that have taken place in the Scraplands. In excess of 100.000 lives have been lost between the 20th of Abadius and the tenth of Calestril. Most fell due to the acute effects of the cold wave with early onset of starvation. Truly a horrible fate to befall. Yet the Scraplands are resilient and spirits remain unbroken.

Gatherer’s festival (Updated)

All throughout Theravhín, be it inside or outside the dome many festivities are taking place. Thanks to farming surplus house Maharís has expedited extra food to be supplied to the Scraplands to partake in the festivities. Large cookouts with drink richly flowing are set up also inside and outside the dome.

High chancellor Lord Lectris has given his traditional newyear’s speech, proclaiming that; though now supplies seem to be in surplus, everybody needs to heed caution for harsh times are coming. The numbers are looking ever more concerning. But not to lose hope, not all is looking bad. There are many talented and smart people working in perfect unison to tackle the biggest challenges the planet can throw their way. But such things are costly, and everybody will feel it. There are simply no other ways to cope with the hostile planet.

Girl age 7 falls from puddleplain cliff

Tragedy struck on the 22nd of Kuthona as a seven year old girl plummeted to her death in the south after tripping and falling down the 1.5 mile high decline. Her parents are grief stricken and wish for her body to be returned, yet retrieval operations have proven difficult as experts state the amount of strange and malformed animals in the Puddleplain seems to increase and grow ever hostile.

Big fire in northwestern scraplands

A major fire raged in the night of 20 to 21 Kuthona in the north west of the scraplands. The amount of victims is unknown. Information gleaned from the employee attendance ratings in the quarries and factories indicate the victim count might be anywhere between 200 and 300 victims either wounded or deceased. There is nothing known about its cause, though arson in the context of gang violence is likely the culprit according to the few sources we’ve got in the Scraplands.

Body retrieval tragedy

The case of the fallen 7 year old has taken an even more tragic turn as on the 23rd of Kuthona a rescue party descended and had to abort their mission as one of their members was fatally attacked by what surviving witnesses could only describe as a giant malformed salamander. Why the creatures are so hostile the experts don’t agree on. Most say it’s just a consequence of the harsh conditions on the planets. others say something much greater is at play, a global reaction to the presence and activities of humans on the world. However nothing will dampen the grief of the girl’s parents, or the family of the deceased rescuer. Our thoughts and prayers are with them.

Speculation over the high seat of Dohai

Many may already have noticed that it has been some time since Lord Dohai has last made a public appearance. More and more sources seem to confirm what most already suspected. But the nonagenarian seems to be stricken with health problems, requiring round the clock care. House Lectris have graciously offered to observe and maintain day-to-day business operations for any of Lord Dohai’s business ventures. Unknown as of yet is if the offer has been accepted.

Heiress to partake in succession tournament

During a press conference on the 19th of Kuthona the first confirmed participant of the upcoming succession tournament later this year in the month Gozran has been announced. It’s no one less than lady Photonis Nano Lighidos, heiress to the high seat of Lighidos. Lady Lighidos has announced to abdicate the high seat were her daughter to win the succession tournament and take up the role as chancellor with the promise to act for all houses and the best of Theravhín rather than just the success of her own house and business ventures like some others which remained unnamed the high seat of house Lighidos explained during the press conference. This would mean if lady Photonis Nano Lighidos were to win the tournament, she would become one of the youngest high seats ever at a mere 17 years.


As summer arrives, a sense of cautious optimism fills the air among the Scraplanders. Unprecedentedly stable and friendly weather characterizes the early summer month, promoting a spirit of hope and community. However, some voices in the community express concern, warning of an impending major tension relief event that could be disastrous for Theravhín. They speculate that this event may not only affect the Scraplands but also pose a risk to the inner dome, which might struggle to withstand whatever challenges lie ahead.

Despite these ominous predictions, no one can clearly define the nature of the impending threat. In the meantime, the Theravhín government encourages citizens to embrace the pleasant conditions and continue fostering the many positive initiatives that have emerged in recent months.

Immediate alert!

An Immediate alert has gone out to all magetech producing entities all over Spaika to cease the use of all gathered Alravium due to the risk of catastrophic failure with dire physical consequences.

Follow this link for the in depth analysis


The second month of what proves to be an exceedingly grueling winter. Conditions on Spaika are getting undeniably harsher by the week, if not by the day it seems. Within Theravhín our reporters are seeing rifts form and grow on a daily basis while the whole world seems in flux. A newly fledged gatherer’s guild already taking the world by storm. Despite their open disdain for “city dwellers” some have already begun calling the revival of the gatherer’s guild, the one and only chance of Spaika’s survival. Of course these are but the most fringe of opinions while most watch with cautious optimism to the future, despite the current dire circumstances. Meanwhile all the big houses hold their breath in anticipation of the succession tournament, especially after the intrigue during the preliminary matches.

Gatherer’s festival off to a grandiose start

It is with great pleasure to wish everybody reading a fantastic new year 1117AFL. As per tradition, in the morning on the first day of the gatherer’s festival, some thirty-odd candidates set out for their three day trek into the hostile Anthracite plain. Among the candidates was none less than the Lady Photonis Nano Lighidos, heiress to the high seat of house Lighidos. It has been generations since someone from a great house actually underwent the gauntlet it has become since the planetary cascade.

This reporter managed to get an exclusive interview with the heiress. She made a confident impression, boldly proclaiming she would face the challenge all on her own despite some misgivings among her family. As to whether she would be able to acquire an Alravium ingot, she expressed that she had done extensive historical research into the shrouded gatherer’s communities, and might have found some information to help her cause.

Other candidates are exclusively made up of Scraplanders seeking to better their fortune or gain a last name to enter the dome. Some stoically facing the challenge while fear permeate others. Others just seek wealth and fortune, while some seem downright malicious. Taking on the challenge not for the challenge itself, but to challenge others. Others yet are doing it out of boredom and curiosity. Stay tuned for further reports about this year’s gatherer’s event. It is already unique with an amazing surprise in the heiress’ participation. What else will this year’s candidates achieve? This reporter will be present when the candidates return so stay tuned!

Breaking: Two Alravium ingots gathered!

On the first of Abadius the heiress of house Lighidos returned with an Alravium ingot. She was in bad shape but was crowned a gatherer. A party of scraplanders by the names of Zaiho, Scratch, Asyl and Malice have also successfully retrieved an alravium ingot, thus are also crowned gatherers. They were not very forthcoming with comments. Another eight candidates remain missing with grim prospects as the forcefield helmets with which the candidates were equipped would only last four days. The keepers of the gatherer’s guild are ecstatic. Research labs are already stumbling over themselves to acquire a sample of the ingots given it’s the first chance in over two centuries to research the properties of the purest form of Alravium.

Gatherer’s festival comes to shocking conclusion

After the third day of the gatherer’s festival a shocking thirteen candidates have yet to return from the Anthracite plain. The organizing committee of the festival has released in an official statement it’s not unheard of that people return somewhat later. House Lighidos has not yet reacted to the heiress being among the missing candidates. As of the end of the third day of the gather’s festival, no new gatherers are crowned as of yet.

Six dead and 10 wounded in devastating lab explosion

On the fourth of Abadius a large explosion has ocurred in one of Vilmaede-corp research laboratories. The cause is unknown as of yet, but sources have informed us that the department where this happened conducted research on one of the Alravium ingots procured during the gatherer’s festival. Experts we’ve contacted state that pure Alravium shouldn’t have any explosive qualities under any circumstance.

Vilmaede-corp has announced a full and thorough investigation and generous compensation for the families of deceased and the injured.

Fallen girl miraculously recovered alive!

On the second of Abadius a group of gatherers managed to succesfully retrieve the sevel year old girl that fell from the puddleplain cliff. Details how the girl managed to survive the fall, or several days in the plains containing hostile fauna are fuzzy, but the parents are overjoyed. Despite the two century hiatus it seems the old reputation of the gatherers holds true and Spaika might be headed into a new era.


The first month of winter. We start this year with announcing the revival of the gatherer’s guild. They have already performed their first feat in retrieving the fallen girl, and we are keeping a close eye on their activities as we are sure many marvelous feats are to follow from the newly crowned gatherers.

Meanwhile the gatherer Heiress is preparing to participate in the preliminary matches leading up to the succession tournament in three months among many other prominent fighters in the Profeta Arena. Meanwhile the ferret has announced to have a one day tournament in the scraplands arena as well, so much excitement is to be had this month.

Preliminary matches interrupted after interference

On the tenth of Abadius the preliminary tournament in the profeta was interrupted as evidence of match interference came to light during the matches, causing the gatherer heiress to unceremoniously lose her match against the representative of house Xahel. The Lighidos high seat has already issued a formal complaint to have the result overturned. The organizers of the tournament have yet to render a verdict on this, but presendence is not in the advantage of the heiress and house Lighidos. They might have to wait until next year for another shot at succession.

Impending food shortage.

Anonymous sources have reported that the advanced hydroponics building located near the laboratory where the explosion has taken place was contaminated with pollutants from the explosion. Since this facility focuses on the germination of plants where after they are transported to other facilities to grow fully. This will mean a dip in food production we will already start feeling in the upcoming weeks. Maharís have pledged to keep up export into the Scraplands as much as possible, but advises everyone to stock up on non perishables anyways since it will get tight. Vilmaedecorp has brought forth in a statement that they will immediately start researching how the contamination could occur and to aide in any decontamination efforts needed to get the germination facility up and running as quickly as possible.

Famine in the cold, a worst case scenario.

The persistent and unprecedented cold wave of Abadius 1117 AFL has already claimed in excess of 15000 lives, with projected food shortages easily doubling this number given current circumstances. In the Scraplands, food costs are quadrupled from what they were just two weeks ago. This is in part blamed on certain wealthier Scraplanders hoarding vast supplies where those living meager paycheck to paycheck are left to pay the price. Maharis have announced on the 23rd of Abadius to have cleared the germination facility, and be up and running again early into next month.

Thousands dead in unprecedented cold wave.

In what has already been dubbed the 1117 deep freeze thousands of Scraplanders have lost their lives due to the freezing rain and unprecedented nocturnal cold. Despite resistance from many inhabitants the houses of Maharís and Vilmaede have pledged to export as many endure elements MMDs as possible on short notice but can’t make any promises as to how many they can provide. Houses Lectris, Xahel and Idei have voiced concern in the direction of Maharís and Vilmaede regarding their persistent generosity towards the Scraplands, calling it a black hole. Vilmaede has already promised to look out for them in the upcoming succession tournament, Speaking of change that will need to take place.